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Stomach Strengthener [Stomach Tonifier A] (12125)
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Description: Relieves stomach discomfort such as bloating, pressure, etc. Helps absorbing process and helps relieve minor stomach pain. It can also relieve vomiting feeling and mild vomiting sensation

          -  carefully designed & selected

             by Oriental Medicine Doctor

             /Doctor of Acupuncture.

          -  100% natural, organically grown.

          -  GMP (Good Manufacturer         

             Practices) certification.

          -  contain no artificial color.

          -  contain no sugar or sodium.

          -  has been tested for and contain no   

             microbials or metals.

Ingredients: Bupleurum Root, White Peony, Immature Bitter Orange, Licorice Root

Directions for use: 3 capsules, 2 times a day until symptom subside.  Adjust dosage according to symptoms.

100 Capsules

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     Dr. Ding Chinese Health Clinic

               3090 E 3300 S (Suite 100)            1910 Prospector Ave. (Floor B) 
      Salt Lake City, UT 84109                        Park City, UT 84060
             (801) 487-4370                                    (801) 487-4370