Description: This herb help your body itself to lubricate your intestines to relieve constipation.
It is also
- carefully designed & selected
by Oriental Medicine Doctor
/Doctor of Acupuncture.
- 100% natural, organically grown.
- GMP (Good Manufacturer
Practices) certification.
- contain no artificial color.
- contain no sugar or sodium.
- has been tested for and contain no
microbials or metals.
Ingredients: Cannabis Pollen, Paeonia Radix, Aurantium Fructus Immaturus, Rheum Rhizoma, Magnolia Cortex, Armeniaca Semen.
Recommended Use: 3-4 capsules, 3 times a day. Take as needed, if symptoms are better, you can stop taking. If they seem to linger a bit, taper the dosage until fully recovered.
100 Capsules
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